Instructor Bio – 5th Degree Black belt Aikido (Godan)
Born in 1970 on the small Caribbean Island of Trinidad, Nikki moved to Miami at the age of 15 in 1995 and began studying martial arts in 1998, he first began studying Shotokan Karate 1998 and in 2001 began his study of Aikido while attending Florida State University. While in Florida he studied under the late Dennis Hooker Sensei who was a direct student of Mitsugi Saotome Sensei. He moved to San Diego in 1999 when he studied under kazuo Chiba Sensei and Morihiko (Mark) Murashige Sensei for 11 years.
He has been working as a Civil Engineer for about 25 years and is a currently a Senior Civil Engineer with the City of San Diego, managing the In-house design section.
Throughout his 32 years of Aikido life, he has always strived to enhance his level of understanding by attending intensive training seminars with some of the world’s most experienced Shihans (master instructors): this has allowed him to have extensive training under Seishiro Endo Sensei (Japan), Mitsugi Satome Sensei, Kazuo Chiba Sensei (San Diego), Kato Sensei (Japan), Sugnao sensei, Christian Tissier Sensei (France), Jan Nevilus Sensei (Sweden), Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei, Frank Doran Sensei and Murashige Sensei.
Personal statement
“It has always been my goal to use Aikido as a path of personal growth, self understanding and body integration and as a path to good health. In this process, I have also been an Ashtanga yoga practitioner for 18 years and for several years studied the Russian Martial art (Systema) as a way to enhance my Aikido life. I have one main focus as an instructor: to continuously train through aikido to unify physical, mental and spiritual states and to allow students to walk with me to find their own path through their own practice.”
True Victory is Victory over oneself